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 A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman

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A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
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A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
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A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
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A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty0%A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Vote_rcap
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Total des votes : 0


Nombre de messages : 10932
Manga préféré : *Beck lover, Seinen addicted *
Age : 42
Vierge Coq
~MangaPoints~ : 15901
~BadgeWin~ : A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman 187973chobits
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2005

A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Empty
MessageSujet: A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman   A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Oct - 15:21

A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman

A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Ima_ma10


Titre Original : Ima made Ichido mo Onna Atsukaisareta Koto ga nai Jokishi wo Onna Atsukai Suru
Année de Publication : 2018
Auteur : Kengo MATSUMOTO
Genre : Romance, Fantastique
Nombre de Tomes : 7
Éditeur : /


Léo est une femme chevalier, l'une des plus fortes du royaume, son surnom est même la "lance sacrée" ! Sa vie c'est sur les champs de bataille, comme peuvent l'attester ses cicatrices ... alors quand le frêle Fooly l'approche, elle ne sait comment réagir !! Les sentiments  de ce fan d'abdos arriveront ils à toucher son cœur ?


Découvrez-les ! (Attention Risque de Spoil !):



Rien de spécial pour ce manga, c'est des courtes scènes, c'est un webtoon, et le dessin est correct pour ce type de format. Les 2 perso sont assez maladroits et l'histoire n'avance pas vite.

A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Pava_c10A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman Psign_10
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A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman

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